Qoqeqa - A conduit for timeless rhythms

METAL Magazine

“Taking inspiration from his heritage and regional traditions, Axuxa encapsulates timeless melodies and makes sure the beats are never forgotten. Not only has his new album served up contemporary electronica that honours ancient rhythms, but also it has led him to perform sound meditation sessions at yoga retreats in the Amazon jungle and the Sacred Valley of the Andes.”

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F#%k U & ur DisNey World - A labyrinth of humorous critique

METAL Magazine

“Disentangling and exposing issues such as the entertainment business, advertisement, bigotry, racism, and mass consumerism, they explain through Herzog's text that “Everyone feels like this little penguin, running away from the crowds, seeking for their places of belonging, saying a general fuck you to the patterns and mechanisms that participate in numbing the seriousness of what is going on in the world today.”

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