“Based in Montreal, Kìzis is an Indigenous, two-spirit artist who challenges conformity with her artistic expressions. Her new album, Turn/Tidibàbide, is as much a collaborative album as it is a family record with around fifty collaborators including the appearance of Beverly Glenn Copeland, Owen Pallett, Cub Sport's Tim Nelson and many more. Kìzis’ experimental knacks and spellbinding grooves produce a flawless synergy with elements of techno, pop, poetry, and Algonquin dance melodies Kìzis dismantles the notion of what it means to be alive today. The energy behind her harmonies is a sign of hope for the future.”
“...Playing with the viewer’s gaze, her use of dramatised doe eyes hypnotises us, urging your to keep on looking and decipher her romances. Duong’s caricatures are reminiscent of her daily life and should be read like a visual journal. She intentionally exposes the fragility, beauty, and raw tenderness of her subjects. Each canvas representing another accurate depiction of individuals in non-idealised positions.”