“Komono introduces for the third year in a row their provocative collaboration with the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, for their new collection titled Komono Next. This year the Belgian eyewear brand has come together with five master students attending the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerps conceptualising and conceiving a range of eyewear linked to their personal work. This visionary partnership is an ongoing experiment travelling through the avenues of fashion accessories. This year Julie Kegels, Luca Holzinger, Kaya Gayoung, Mohammed el Marnissi, and Ingmar Patton Plusczyk delved back into their personal work meticulously crafted an array of dynamic sunglasses.”
“His new exhibition titled Dark Uncles goes beyond fashion and ascends to a world of slightly absurd yet beautifully hand-crafted art. Klaas Rommelaere, born 1986 in Roeselare and living in Antwerp, creates intricately embroidered tapestries and hand-stitched, free-standing sculptures to tell the tales of his lived experience. The artist graduated in 2013 from KASK Ghent from the fashion department and dedicates himself to textile sculpture.”