“Amanda Bjorn is a travel aficionado and photographer. Now living in and out of Cuba for the last few years, but based in Miami, she has put her love for art, feminism and travel at the forefront of her pictorial narrations. Capturing the world mostly on film, Bjorn has been shooting in an attempt to absorb the absurd and intricate beauty around her. From Ibiza, Serbia, to Vietnam and India, Bjorn has ventured to many locations to explore her creative spirit.”
“His new exhibition titled Dark Uncles goes beyond fashion and ascends to a world of slightly absurd yet beautifully hand-crafted art. Klaas Rommelaere, born 1986 in Roeselare and living in Antwerp, creates intricately embroidered tapestries and hand-stitched, free-standing sculptures to tell the tales of his lived experience. The artist graduated in 2013 from KASK Ghent from the fashion department and dedicates himself to textile sculpture.”