Creams - Tales of youth

METAL Magazine

“...She's seen it all. With multiple jobs to get by and long work hours, Creams and her friends still use all their energy to nourish their creativity. She writes, plays, and produces all of her releases herself, from the concept to the master, tirelessly racing to breathe life into her written materials. This emotional dedication radiates through her music sonically and lyrically. Combining her country's constant political pressure with the abundance of mythical landscapes, scarlet-hued sunsets, and mesmerising ocean views as inspiration for her music highlights this artist's talent and self-awareness. It also raises her as a pillar of the specifically Georgian music community…”

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Melissa Schriek - A place of constant movement

METAL Magazine

“Her photography visualises the city as a rhythm that we come to be part of, once our feet step onto the concrete streets. The humming buzz of the traffic mingled with the bustling murmuring of people conversing on their way to work. Our metropolitan is composed of strangers and familiar objects: the ubiquitous pavement, a slightly bent street pole, a bright orange construction cone, or a abandoned rusty bike. They all seem trivial and significant at the same time.”

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